Pushkin poetry in English

Бессмертные стихи А.С. Пушкина о любви в переводах на английский язык: "Я Вас любил. "

Я вас любил: любовь еще, быть может,
В душе моей угасла не совсем;
Но пусть она вас больше не тревожит;
Я не хочу печалить вас ничем.
Я вас любил безмолвно, безнадежно,
То робостью, то ревностью томим;
Я вас любил так искренно, так нежно,
Как дай вам Бог любимой быть другим.

Переводы стихотворения на английский:

I loved you once, and still, perhaps, love’s yearning
I loved you once, and still, perhaps, love’s yearning
Within my soul has not quite burned away.
But may it nevermore you be concerning;
I would not wish you sad in any way.
My love for you was wordless, hopeless cruelly,
Drowned now in shyness, now in jealousy,
And I loved you so tenderly, so truly,
As God grant by another you may be.

I loved you, and that love.

I loved you, and that love to die refusing,
May still - who knows! Be smoldering in my breast.
Pray, be not pained -- believe me, of my choosing
I'd never have you troubled nor yet distressed.
I loved you mutely, hopelessly and truly,
With shy yet fervent, tenderness aglow;
Mine was a jealous passion and unruly….
May Heaven grant another loves you so!

[Translation: Irina Zheleznova, "Alexander Pushkin. Selected Works in Two Volumes", PROGRESS PUBLISHERS, MOSCOW, 1974]

I loved you once: perhaps that love has yet
To die down thoroughly within my soul;
But let it not dismay you any longer;
I have no wish to cause you any sorrow.
I loved you wordlessly, without a hope,
By shyness tortured, or by jealousy.
I loved you with such tenderness and candor
And pray God grants you to be loved that way again.

I loved you once; perhaps I should exclaim,
My love still lingers deep within my core.
But I do not want to cause you any pain,
So grieve thee not for me a moment more.
Silently and hopelessly I loved you,
Tormented, I was too jealous and too shy.
May God provide another who will love you,
Just as gently and as fervently as I.

[Translation: Dr. Daniel Feeback]

I loved you -- and love it may yet be
Deep in my soul. It might still smoulder there.
But do not trouble your dear heart for me
I would not want to make you shed a tear

I loved you -- Helplessly Hopelessly
Timidity and longing plagued my mind
I loved you so tenderly so truly
God grant that you may such another find

I loved you and this love by chance,
Inside my soul has never fully vanished;
No longer shall it ever make you tense;
I wouldn't want to sadden you with anguish.
I loved you speechlessly and wildly,
By modesty and jealousy was stressed;
I loved you so sincerely and so mildly,
As, God permit, may love you someone else.
