Конкурс творческих работ о Пушкине, 8-9 класс
"И пробуждается поэзия во мне. "
Пояснительная записка:
Пушкин - это мой кумир, гений. Много лет назад я посещала пушкинские места: Тригорское, Михайловское, Петровское. Я в восторге от пушкинских мест. Возлагала цветы к могиле Пушкина в Святогорском монастыре. Читала все его произведения и детям его сказки. У нас в городе проходил конкурс творческих работ о Пушкине. Я пробовала сочинять стихи на английском языке, имея русские стихи. Это сложно, я изучала рифмы, подбирала рифмующиеся слова на английском языке. Вот что получилось. Этот материал предназначен для учащихся 8 -9 ых классов .
формирование представления учащихся и взрослых о стихах о Пушкине на английском языке, о передаче русских стихов на английский язык;
воспитывать любовь к русскому поэту;
вызвать желание у учащихся самим сочинять стихи, связанные с жизнью поэта.
Конкурс творческих работ на английском языке, посвящённый творчеству А.С. Пушкина.
Номинация: «И пробуждается поэзия во мне»
We still remember Pushkin,
His poems and tales,
They’re wonderful and splendid,
They’re masterpieces, they’re alive today.
We like reread his poems,
They teach us learn and live,
They’re so useful, clever,
They knowledge have and give.
Pushkin is of great importance,
Unforgettable, worldwide,
His works are famous, readable,
He’s literary guide.
В чужбине свято наблюдаю,
Родной обычай старины,
На волю птичку выпускаю
При светлом празднике весны.
Я стал доступен утешенью,
За что на бога мне роптать?
Когда хоть одному творенью
Я мог свободу даровать.
A bird
In a foreign land observe I,
Native custom of old times;
I let a bird to freedom out,
When bright spring holiday is fine.
Became accessible to comfort,
What for should I the God complain?
When I can give my hard creation,
A freedom like a fairy tale.
My Pushkin is a wizard,
His fairy tales are splendid, nice,
They’re full of mysteries and freedom,
They’re so deep, delightful, bright.
His heroes are full of strength,
They win bad angry spirits,
They can heroically fight,
They’re full of noble feelings.
His heroes are very beautiful,
They’re full of love and so tender,
“Ruslan” loves deeply his “Ludmila”,
He was her helper and defender.
"Onegin" represents nobility,
Society was dull and full of rumours,
I was impressed by love of ‘’Tatyana’’,
It was a tragedy, not humour.
What a pity! Pushkin died,
When he was young and so bright,
Defended he Natalya’s honour,
For enemies it was delight.
A lot of people cried a lot,
And eyes were full of tears,
He’s the most talented and famous,
And people hid beginning fears.
I was in Svyatogorsk monastery,
All other were a "bore"
She was the most beautiful,
And Pushkin loved her very much,
And they were talked a lot,
Though rumours were as such.
He was the real gentleman.
Defended he his wife,
And he was killed in duel,
That was his tragic life.
In "Boldino" he wrote
A lot of poems about nature,
He was inspired by surroundings,
His poems were famous later.
Friends visited a lot him,
They had many, many talks,
Pushin, Kuchelbecker,
They had so pleasant walks.
They talked about people,
Uprising just began,
Supported they "Decembrists",
Tried them to understand.
Pushkin was a genius,
He was the best in world,
He had his own language,
His works are like a "gold".
The poet belonged to gentry,
But simple people understood,
"Captain’s daughter» and "Dubrovsky »
His famous works like brotherhood.
"Grinev", "Dubrovsky", "Pugachev",
Were real heroes of times,
Performed they so many deeds,
And it was useful, very fine,
A lot of pupils read today,
His poems and stories,
They teach us how to live and learn,
We feel for Pushkin’s death, oh, deeply sorry!
My Pushkin is a wizard,
His fairy tales are splendid, nice,
They’re full of mysteries and freedom,
They’re so deep, delightful, bright.
His heroes are full of strength,
They win bad angry spirits,
They can heroically fight,
They’re full of noble feelings.
His heroes are very beautiful,
They’re full of love and so tender,
“Ruslan” loves deeply his “Ludmila”,
He was her helper and defender.
"Onegin" represents nobility,
Society was dull and full of rumours,
I was impressed by love of Tatyana,
It was a tragedy, not humour.
What a pity! Pushkin died,
When he was young and so bright,
Defended he Natalya’s honour,
For enemies it was delight.
A lot of people cried a lot,
And eyes were full of tears,
He’s the most talented and famous,
And people hid beginning fears.
I was in Svyatogorsk monastery,
And stood before his grave,
I put a lot of flowers,
He was the best, so deep and brave.
He loved a lot of women,
Respected them, adored,
But married he the "BEATY”,
All other were a bore.
She was the most beautiful,
And Pushkin loved her very much,
And they were talked a lot,
Though rumours were as such.
He was the real gentleman.
Defended he his wife,
And he was killed in duel,
That was his tragic life.
Pushkin loved a lot of women,
But his heart belonged to one,
Natalie was his ideal,
Was his wife, his woman, rung (ступенька)
They had good and clever children,
Deeply loved them and adored,
Put an end his death to everything,
But his poems will never bore.
Will learn all future generations,
His tales and poems, all books,
Because he was the greatest poet,
He had enormous future look.
The poet belonged to gentry,
But simple people understood
«Captain’s daughter» and «Dubrovsky»,
His famous works like brotherhood.
«Grinev», « Dubrovsky», «Pugachev»,
Were real heroes of times,
Performed they so many deeds,
And it was useful, very fine,
A lot of pupils read today,
His poems and stories,
They teach us how to live and learn,
We feel for Pushkin’s death, oh, deeply sorry!
The sixth of June – a Pushkin’s day,
All people love him and adore,
His works are still alive today,
They’ll never be a” bore’’.
Will change the generations,
His books are readable by all,
By children, grown-ups,
Book’s interest will never fall.
Because he was the best,
His poetry and prose great,
We’ll learn his life and works,
Will learn his tragic fate.
I have grown up
With poet’s learned cat,
Who walked round the oak - tree,
Then I was fond of Prince exiled,
Who was turned into a bumble - bee.
Later was Onegin’s boredom,
Saliere’s jealousy of Mozart,
Tatiana’s unrequited love,
Dead steps of Stone Guest,
And Herman’s tension was above.
His works were no less exiting,
Than his stories, fairytales,
Whatever read we and enjoy,
We say that everything is great!
Later was Onegin’s boredom,
Saliere’s jealousy of Mozart,
Tatiana’s unrequited love,
Dead steps of Stone Guest,
And Herman’s tension was above.
His works were no less exiting,
Than his stories, fairytales,
Whatever read we and enjoy,
We say that everything is great!
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